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How to Slow Down the Aging Process. Taking antioxidants or hormones may not only be an ineffective old age delay strategy but also risky. There are less spectacular but safe methods for prolonging youth.

People try to keep their youthful qualities as long as possible. However, before taking a specific “rejuvenating treatment”, it is worth considering, because it may not bring any effects or bring more harm than good.

Evidence of antioxidant supplementation’s impact on life expectancy is inconclusive, making routine recommendations:

  • controversial
  • not recommended for life prolongation.

However, studies have confirmed the health benefits of a diet abundant in vegetables and fruits.

This study analyzed the effects of various anti-aging strategies, including antioxidant vitamin supplementation, caloric restriction, resveratrol use, hormone use, and DHEA intake.

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How to Slow Down the Aging Process?


Is it worth taking supplements containing antioxidant vitamins to delay aging? Theoretically, they should protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals that make it old.

Substances known as antioxidants protect the body from the harmful impacts of metabolism by-products – free radicals produced during the transformation of various substances into energy through oxygen.

One theory of aging is that the aging process is the result of overlapping damage, mainly to proteins and DNA, caused by the damaging effects of free radicals at the molecular level.

Understanding the mechanisms by which antioxidants can neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals has given rise to hope for the potential possibility of slowing down the aging process by supplementing the diet with antioxidants

“Currently, the evidence supporting the beneficial effects of antioxidant supplementation on life expectancy is inconclusive, so supplementation with antioxidant vitamins to prolong life is controversial.

Caloric restriction

Dietary restriction can lead to physiological changes that lead to improved organ function and increased stress resistance. At the cellular level, reducing caloric intake improves stem cell and mitochondrial function increases autophagy and repairs DNA.

All these processes are crucial for extending life.

Studies show meals impact life quality and length. Caloric restriction reduces disease and boosts life expectancy in animal models. Scientists remain uncertain about the safety, benefits, and practicality of long-term caloric restriction for humans, especially for those who are not overweight or obese. While this research holds promise, it is not yet clear whether routine encouragement of long-term caloric restriction is necessary for prolonging life in those without overweight or obese.

Periodic starvation

Temporary fasting is a way to adjust your eating schedule to an individually set time frame. You eat within a fixed period, and outside of it – you fast.

Fasting people tend to eat within a specific period, while either fasting completely outside of fasting or severely restricting their calories. Hence the concept of “fasting”. Many individuals view temporary fasting as a weight loss method, but it can also serve as a long-term lifestyle choice or established eating habit.

Fasting suppresses hunger and improves hormone function, which can increase your body’s ability to burn fat and use the energy you have stored. At the same time, it can lower blood sugar levels and the risk of inflammation, and improve overall heart health.

In addition to its health benefits, temporary fasting is an excellent choice for those trying to keep weight or lose weight, as it allows a great deal of freedom of choice regarding the foods you eat. Simultaneously, it is essential to always opt for nutritious, high-quality food.

There are also studies on the life expectancy of periodic fasts or less frequent meals. In mice, reducing the frequency of meals has a protective effect on the brain, improves heart function, and improves blood glucose levels. In this case, NIA experts conclude that the impact of intermittent fasting on human health and life expectancy is unclear.


Another line of research is the search for substances whose action mimicked the biochemical effects of caloric restriction or starvation. One of the substances that have become of particular interest in anti-aging research is resveratrol, a polyphenol derivative of stilbene.

Resveratrol is a compound synthesized e.g. in grape skins as a response to fungal infections, UV radiation, and stressors. It has very high biological activity in a wide range, among others anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, and antioxidant.

It protects the body against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s) and inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and platelet aggregation. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis as well as other cardiovascular diseases – including heart attack and coronary disease – is reduced.

There are also studies on the administration of resveratrol in humans. Their results indicate that resveratrol may exhibit some of the beneficial effects seen in animal models and humans.

It is too early to make any definitive conclusions about the effects of resveratrol on human health and life expectancy. More research is needed to determine its appropriate and safe dose in humans, and to determine whether there are any clinically useful uses for resveratrol at all


How to Slow Down The Aging Process. One of the most popular anti-aging strategies is the use of hormones as the body produces less and less with age. Scientific research does not confirm its effectiveness. W hat’s worse, they often hurt the body (increased risk of developing some dangerous diseases).

There is a lack of data to support routine testosterone supplementation in healthy elderly men. There is no scientific evidence that testosterone treatment in healthy men helps them age healthier, ‘the study reads.

Hormones available on the market are the most common drugs, so like any drug, they have proven side effects that may or may not occur. The doctor prescribing the drug first analyses the potential benefits and potential losses for the patient. Avoid buying hormones on the black market, as counterfeit drugs containing harmful substances may be purchased.

The analysis discusses DHEA, formed from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex, as a potential anti-aging substance that converts to testosterone and estrogens.

The authors stress: despite advertising claims, many DHEA products lack evidence to support promises of:

  • boosting energy and strength
  • enhancing immunity and libido
  • increasing muscle mass
  • reducing body fat.

The long-term effects of DHEA are unknown and may be harmful, including to the liver.

Before accepting DHEA, remember that its effects are not yet established and may bring harm before well-planned research results are obtained.
A recipe for a healthy and long life


No proven, comprehensive anti-aging supplements or drugs exist. Consult a geriatric doctor before using any rejuvenating treatment.

Experts emphasize that there are many other, safe ways to extend life and delay old age and related diseases. They recommend everyone practice a healthy lifestyle. It turns out to be the cheapest and most effective preventive measure. Here are six practical, low-cost anti-aging tips.

Eat whole grains as often as possible.

  • Regularly undergo check-ups recommended by your doctor.
  • Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • Be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Don’t give up on activities that give you pleasure, such as hobbies.
  • Choose products that have as little added sugars, saturated fat, and salt as possible.

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